Roma, 03.07.2008 ore 19.10
Intervista a Sergio Baldassini, artista romano
A cura di Michela Giannotti
Sergio Baldassini, è un nuovo artista, più che un artista emergente.
Nasce nel 1979 a Roma, dove tuttora vive e lavora. Qualche anno fa prende la laurea di primo livello in ingegneria elettronica, ma entrando nella chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli, accanto all’università, racconta di essere stato folgorato dal Mosè di Michelangelo e di essersi così converted to a new life ... artistic. In fact, Sergio Baldassini is a self-taught, began painting already in adolescence dribbling between figurative and abstract.
Artist, new situations, lead, rebellious, often reinvents itself between performance and installation art.
I speak with him sitting in front of a cafe.
What does it mean for you art?

For what is your artistic expression?
Let's say I started to really express myself with the artists participating in the Group SpA, a joint stock company Art. For example, for one thing, we occupied the bathrooms of the National Gallery of Modern Art, completing the action "WCSpACE", edited by Eden Dust.
a symbol behind which there are several blitz or just "actions" as they are called Dust of Eden, in public spaces. I and seven other artists have staged the show in toilets, as these are the antiproduzione place of artistic production and physiological: it was the viewer and the museum to decide what to do with our works, if you throw them down the toilet or save.
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There are other states blitz?
is in Rome, in Via dei Condotti, also in 2007: in that case we have thrown on the road on which lay a red carpet-16 silhouettes of victims gears of contemporary society.
people trampled on the windows while watching the victims. Who was the real victim? I leave you the answer.
Still, on the occasion of Republic Day, a year ago, we were arrested and investigated by Digos. Then it all worked out better .. Let's say we put in place a better challenge from the public by distributing leaflets unconstitutional which referred to a new development of Art 1 Constitution "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work" and a referendum does not exist. Then would have followed an exhibition of 20 paintings on cardboard representing scenes of war. Not we had time, they took us away before.
Then I finished the experience with SpA, and I began to exhibit in various artistic contexts, tend installations.
The last in May, entitled "Ecce Homo," in memory of the victims in the workplace, at the space Detour Film Offclub in Monti, Rome.
future projects?
There are not in 'immediate.
A chi ti ispiri?
Come contenuti a Jack London, il mio scrittore preferito, poi artisticamente c’è Kurt Schwitters e il mio amore per Michelangelo.
Ti reputi un artista emergente?
Direi un artista affossante, perché non c’è così tanto spazio per emergere. Anche se ho deciso che l’ingegnere non lo farò mai…piuttosto l’artista squattrinato.
Proprio per rimanere in tema, ultimamente sto componendo sopra dei “Post it”, figure e immagini che ritraggo dai giornali o dalla televisione; utilizzo il pennarello e poi l’acrilico che uso come un acquarello. Ho trovato another way to spend little, drawing directly on the canvas, you can buy at a good price in the central Largo Argentina.