November 26, at 9 / 13 - Theatre of the Observance - Via Ventura, 14 - Imola
events open to the public with the presence of students of institutes of higher education.
will present the students of high school students who did the Polo stage all'AUSL Imola, David Dalfiumee Group Krila (Theatre of the Oppressed).
- 9.30: Opening of the mayor of Imola missing
- 10.00: Interview and presentation of the video produced by the interns Liceo socio psycho pedagogical Imola at the Mental Health Services
- 10.30: TILT, experience of the Laboratory raids on buses 2009 and held by Massimiliano Buldrini Carmine Cataldi with testimonies of the students participating in the laboratory raids 2010;
- 11.00: Break ;
- 11:15 am: Oppressed theatrical performance; Performance "link between stereotypes and prejudice." Theater forum: spectators a spett-attori di Alessandro Tolomelli del Teatro dell’Oppresso
- ore 12.30: conclusione con Davide Dalfiume
Sarà presente il Sindaco del Comune di Imola Daniele Manca