Monday, November 23, 2009

Godzilla Plastic Models

right! Put in neutral!

November 26, at 9 / 13 - Theatre of the Observance - Via Ventura, 14 - Imola


events open to the public with the presence of students of institutes of higher education.
will present the students of high school students who did the Polo stage all'AUSL Imola, David Dalfiumee Group Krila (Theatre of the Oppressed).

- 9.00 am: Arrival of participants;
- 9.30: Opening of the mayor of Imola missing
- 10.00: Interview and presentation of the video produced by the interns Liceo socio psycho pedagogical Imola at the Mental Health Services
- 10.30: TILT, experience of the Laboratory raids on buses 2009 and held by Massimiliano Buldrini Carmine Cataldi with testimonies of the students participating in the laboratory raids 2010;
- 11.00: Break ;
- 11:15 am: Oppressed theatrical performance; Performance "link between stereotypes and prejudice." Theater forum: spectators a spett-attori di Alessandro Tolomelli del Teatro dell’Oppresso
- ore 12.30: conclusione con Davide Dalfiume

Sarà presente il Sindaco del Comune di Imola Daniele Manca

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gas Detector Residential


A cura di Michela Giannotti

Q uale è il tuo percorso professionale e di esperienze in ambito fotografico?
Ho iniziato a fare foto a quindici anni. E per diversi anni sono stato un autodidatta. Poi ho studiato presso la Scuola Romana di Fotografia” ed il nome che ha la mia gratitudine è Stefano Compagnucci. Dopo ho frequentato diversi workshop tenuti da professionisti, Robert Marnika, Diana Grandi, Fabiano Ventura, Martin Benes. Nel 2007 ho partecipato al “San Lorenzo Fotofestival”, Roma, due foto in mostra sono state pubblicate nel libro “San Lorenzo – Racconti Fotografici”. Nel 2009 ho partecipato alla mostra collettiva “Riflettersi nel Mare”, Bologna. E sempre nel 2009 sono stato selezionato come finalista al concorso “Digital Camera Photographer of the year ".

What it means to you "seize the moment" in the act of photography?
Photography is a destiny that follow. The senses are concentrated, achieve familiarity with what is around you and realize a part of your path.

What do you like best to photograph and why?
With the first nude, or figure, I infected complicity and respect. The images produced have participated in the exhibition in Bologna "reflected in the sea." A test that was missing, excellent experience.
What would you like photography?
portraits, travel, landscapes. I like to achieve with my own eyes and know that moment, the details of that place.

What kind of testing you do in the creation of a photo?
With the light and composition, first of all. Without leaving the technique and rules, however important, the only solutions.

photos to deliver on further consideration based on some particular technique (computer, for example)?
realize my images with film or slide, then I scan a selection and perfected in Photoshop as a darkroom. The result is pretty faithful.

I know that produces pictures for theater and fashion, is a context that appeals to you and stimulates you or otherwise "lazy"?
soon as I can I devote myself to the theater and the portrait. I am fascinated by both.

Tell me about the naked female nude .. guess what "femininity" and "grace" acting on the act of shooting?
I did not only portraits of female figures. I do not have rules and a willingness to be filmed is everything. The competition "Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2009" was selected with the figure of a man.

What are your future plans?
One of the next projects will be "Tiber" and is linked to the river Tiber, I would like to test my ability to portray the landscape to enhance the route.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Convert Your Traditional Ira To A Roth 2010


Giovedì 19 novembre, ore 21 - La Palazzina – Via Quaini, 14 - Imola


Proiezione del movie "You can do" by Giulio Manfredonia with Claudio Bisio (comedy, Italy, 2008).

After free comments. FREE screening.

By the Documentation Centre of Hippogriff Epic'entro on mental health and, in collaboration with the Youth Project of the City of Imola.

will attend the City's planning department and the Youth Project of the City of Imola Andrea Bondi.

* * *

La proiezione del documentario “L’ORDINE DELLA FOLLIA” programmato per Giovedì 12 Novembre è posticipato al 5 Dicembre, ore 10.30 presso la sala San Francesco della Biblioteca Comunale di Imola, Via Emilia 88.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Congested 2 Month Old Since Birth

La poesia: ad Alda Merini


are very restless

bind me

Alda Merini

Median Bmi For European Females By Age


6-7 Novembre, Teatro Lolli
Via Caterina Sforza, 3 - Imola (Ospedale Vecchio, di fianco the CUP)
Friday 9:00 to 17:30 / Saturday 9:00 to 13:00


training course on the culture and practice of "fareassieme" and the operation of the FOE, ie, "all those people and those family members who for personal history have acquired a knowledge of experience that puts them in a position to provide a structured and continuous performance recognized in various areas of activities of the Department of Mental Health Trento.

Speakers trainers of the Department of Mental Health and the Association of Trent "The Bench" with representatives of FOE Trentino. There will be a similar experience in Bologna, which was launched recently in CSM Mazzacorati with the Association "Tree: Together we can."

In the event (organized by "E pas and temp in Imola)
presentation of the book by Gerry Mary: THE SON OF Cuckoo
"The world as seen through the existential event a father, to whom life has given the fast lane of the pain. "

The free course is designed for operators, users, families and all citizens concerned with mental health issues.

and the coordinator self-help Imola and the Department of Mental Health AUSL Imola.

Sarà presente l’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Imola Valter Galavotti