Monday, December 7, 2009

Airless Paint System Lowes

December 10, at 20 - Gym Ravaglia - Via Kolbe, 3 - Imola (BO)

Posted by: POL amateur for social inclusion "And yet it moves", co-ordination ANPIS Emilia Romagna Faenza and Imola UISP with the cooperation of migrant groups.

the Assessor will be present for the Integration of Multicultural Imola Ivan Vigna

The tournament will be held on December 10, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ravaglia in the gym via Kolbe, 3 in Imola and is organized by amateur POL for social inclusion "And yet it moves", coordination ANPIS Emilia Romagna, the DSM / DP asl UISP Imola Imola and Faenza.

This year the event Sports will be preceded by a screening of the documentary made by the 19 UISP on global anti-racist: Each year national initiative that brings together the membership of numerous sports teams from around the world and a couple of years is held in nearby Casalecchio di Reno We put emphasis on the issue of "racism" conscious of the need to build a bulwark against the risk of a barbarism of relations within our community, unfortunately, the numerous alleged incidents of aggression implemented on the national territory against migrants.

At 20 to kick off the tournament will be the Deputy Mayor Councillor alle Politiche per l’Integrazione Multiculturale del Comune di Imola Ivan Vigna per ribadire con forza che diritti umani e salute mentale viaggiano sugli stessi binari.

A dare un calcio al razzismo ed ai pregiudizi che si generano attorno alle vite dei migranti ci penseranno i gruppi sportivi dell’ANPIS Emilia Romagna, i ragazzi stranieri ospiti dell’Istituto Santa Caterina di Imola, cittadini imolesi provenienti dall’Africa che hanno dato vita all’associazione AARI e rappresentanti della comunità rumena, Tutti Insieme daranno luogo ad un allegro e colorito incontro tra persone che quotidianamente mettono al centro della loro vita il rispetto dei diritti e della dignità di ciascuno.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aero Jam (white / Black / Teal)

Krisis - 1st movement

Thursday 10 December, 17.00 - City Center Gallery - Imola

Krisis - 1st movement

Performance laboratory
final play on the themes of crisis, fearful of the future event generator.

By ExtraVagantis - Integrated New Theatre Association, in collaboration with the Theatre Company of the Crescent Moon
  • The idea is to go to occupy the space closed under the City Center with a performance-more people the better we will be - able to "give testimony" of different stories of different people, pearls which the theme of the crisis takes on different meanings, from deep personal troubles , tied or menoalle impact on their lives difficult general economic and social development.
  • The idea is to give theatrical form to the many stories that we would like to tell. " The theater can "darevoce and body" on urgent topics, collected by the turns of real people, inevitably linked to those delcontesto social environment in which they live.
  • The idea is to involve people who have never done theater, but who think that the teatropossa give the opportunity to express thoughts, emotions, ideas, designing and acting a communication diforte impact, returning the realities of life, especially light and giving voice to what could dirimanere hidden to those who have no voice.
  • The idea is to start from interviews from witnesses, from materials collected in collaboration with the varisoggetti you rritorio such as trade unions, associations and institutions.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can A Sore Throat Indicate Lymphoma

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, ore 17 - Teatro Observance - Via Ventura 14 Imola (BO)

inside out - book presentation Roberta Giacometti

Testimonies of former mental hospitals with nurses assigned to the presentation of the Crescent Moon Theatre Company: The proceeds will go to Emergency

By Emergency and Theatre Company of the Crescent Moon.

Reading / Performance with live music
  • Stems Conrad (narrator)
  • Mazzolani Marina (voice narrator)
  • Maurizio Piancastelli (trumpet, live electronics)

Can You Wash Wrestling Shoe


Saturday, December 5, 10:30 am - St. Francis Hall, Town Library Imola - Via Emilia 88 - Imola (BO)


The order of madness

Initiative as part of the exhibition "Beyond the fence," sponsored by the Documentation Centre for Mental Health Epicenter Hippogriff and

The documentary The order of madness made by the Centro Studi di Parma, offers some ideas about the evolution of psychiatric care, stories and testimonies of those who have personally known Mark Levy MD and Mario Tommasioni.

During the meeting, the Foundation will be presented Matteo Bagnaresi non-profit organization.