Esplorazioni nell'arte contemporanea a Roma
a cura di Shara Wasserman e Lexi Eberspacher

Gallery of Art
Temple University Rome Campus
Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia 15
00196 Rome, Italy
inaugurazione martedì 5 febbraio, 2008 ore 19,00-21,00
apertura Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00
until March 1
Explorations is a group exhibition of a selection of artists who currently contribute to the creation or definition contemporary art, and working on the Roman territory. These artists, in some cases linked by affection and common experiences, from cultural interaction and work, reflect the developmental period that contemporary art is vivendo.Questa generation of artists who lived at the beginning of developments in contemporary art Rome, the strategic moment when the city has begun to open up in a conscious art International and then to a new artistic vocabulary.
Explorations intends to show the public the wide and strong position in contemporary Roman art, allowing us to see the works in a collection, and understand the various forms of expression and artistic solutions.
All the artists have shown characteristic features not identifiable style or technique but rather in their approach to work, which is evident in the way of operating self-respect of themselves and aware of developments in contemporary art International.
includes works by various techniques, representative of the artist's work.
Artists are: Gwendolyn
Salini goldiechiari
Marco Alessandro Raparelli Piangiamore
Corrado Sassi Andrea Salvino
Valentino Joseph Federico Pietrella Diego Alessandro Sarra
Flavio de Marco Pietro Ruffo
Stanislaus June Ph.On
Wolfgang Berkowski
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