Saturday, May 17, 2008

Silicone Compression Garment

Roma Romania (Con) temporary files

Academy in Rome and Romania Probasis Angelo Mai

"Roma Romania"
(Con) Temporary Files

Exhibition of contemporary art and architecture at the Academy of Romania

Tuesday, May 27 from 19.30
Accademia di Romania in Roma
Valle Giulia, ingresso viale delle Belle Arti, 110

Di differente vicenda artistica, quattro giovani artisti rumeni, si incontrano alla fine della loro esperienza di borsisti nell’Accademia di Romania per documentare e rivelare il loro presente.
In mostra le opere frutto del percorso artistico svoltosi a Roma, da Alexandra Afrasinei , (architetto), Anca Bodea , (pittrice), Alexandru Niculescu , (pittore) e Cristian Raduta (scultore).
In un’epoca in cui è semplice strumentalizzare singoli episodi per criminalizzare interi processes of cultural integration, it is important to throw the spotlight on other reality rooted in the territory of Rome.
A reality, that of the four Romanian artists, which engages in the Roman context two years ago and contributing to research contemporary European artists.
The long and detailed journey through the exhibition, part of the conference room and winds through the underground galleries of the Academy of Romania. Places intense and charming, suited to reflection on the works of painting, sculpture and architecture on display.
The scenario changes at the end of the exhibition, the large garden of the Academy, it becomes a place to watch theatrical performances and live music, with attention organized by the Probasis Angelo Mai, in collaboration with the Academy. The exhibition continues until June 9.

May 27, 2008

19:30 Opening of the exhibition and presentation of the project Roma, Romania, by the Director of the 'Accademia di Romania dr. Eugen Dan Pineta
21:00 Small Performance Unplugged guitar and vocals, with Alessandro Lagana (vocals) and Maurizio Pani (guitar) 21:30
Thessalonica 7tet in concert. Ruben Rigillo (trumpet), Gianluca Sacco (bass clarinet), Max Greek (electric guitar), Marco Santaroni, (contrabbasso), Remy Grossi (batteria).

Note Biografiche Borsisti :

Alexandra Afrasinei, nata a Bucarest nel 1980, si è laureata presso l’Università di Architettura “Ion Mincu” di Bucarest, Romania. Oggetto della sua attuale ricerca è la città vista come una sovrapposizione dei strati e strutture semantiche, in particolare rivolge lo sguardo alla periferia romana.

Anca Bodea , nata a Cluj-Napoca nel 1982, si è laureata presso l`Universita di Belle Arti e Design di Cluj Napoca, Romania. Ha conseguito il diploma di Master con specializzazione in pittura presso la stessa Università. La His is a search made of conflicting and contradictory signs, always looking for a dialogue between the late Renaissance and contemporary.

Alexandru Niculescu, who was born in Craiova in 1979, graduated from the `National University of Fine Arts in Bucharest, he received a Master's degree at the same University with a specialization in painting. Drawn from conceptual art, in the two years of study, he worked on different themes, symbols of this, mutations in the landscape.

Raduta Cristian was born in Ploiesti in 1982, graduated from the `National University of Fine Arts in Bucharest, he obtained his Master's degree at the same University with a specialization in sculpture. In Rome, his work has focused on animals and on the serial port of the arts in their composition.

Academy of Romania and Probasis
Angelo Mai "Rome Romania" from May 27 to June 9
Show by Annamaria Di Fabio and Michael Giannotti
Opening Tuesday, May 27, 2008 from 19.30
Academy Romania
Valle Giulia in Rome, entrance Via delle Belle Arti, 110 - Rome


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