aspettando The Road to Contemporary Art
Mercoledì 1 Aprile
dalle ore 20.00
Via dell’Anima,52 – Roma (centro storico)
A cura di Michela Giannotti e Annamaria di Fabio
Quattro video cross the walls of Les Affiches. In the music, the characters move Calà Anita, aka Testarossa. The images are graphic and multimedia experiments obstinately on the female body, the artist focuses on his research. He moves faster, the colors, she does dance, gives the grimaces and tears, makes it soft and plump, it always shows in the balance between heart and brain.
In contrast to the frenetic movement of the first works with the emotions put into place, with the intimacy revealed, is also projected "Canned meat". Here, Testarossa, is in search of ideal beauty, not the ostentatious, rather than obscures the limbs and limbs that are structured without a order, caged. I could hardly move the naked bodies, deformed subtracts from the space that forces them to the lack of aesthetic appeal and sensuality.
Anita vs Testarossa is a multimedia work, a portrait of the artist's original vision.
The color of the walls fills the space, disrupting the physical image, creating the ongoing struggle between reason and spirit of "being" and creativity, spirit and emotions.
Matter and spirit, and white colors, rational and irrational, and redhead anita.
The ballarotta is a multimedia work and painting. Anita Calà with mixed results in a work composed of four paintings and a video center that match the trunk showing the intimacy, the breasts but also the soul of the woman's heart. The color red symbolizes the "not perfect" that we all have and that we tend to hide while two white x erase the fears of the proceedings and emphasize the purity and cheerfulness with which they can live the female body.
The star performs, sways in the first timid, then free in a wild dance.
Quattro video cross the walls of Les Affiches. In the music, the characters move Calà Anita, aka Testarossa. The images are graphic and multimedia experiments obstinately on the female body, the artist focuses on his research. He moves faster, the colors, she does dance, gives the grimaces and tears, makes it soft and plump, it always shows in the balance between heart and brain.
In contrast to the frenetic movement of the first works with the emotions put into place, with the intimacy revealed, is also projected "Canned meat". Here, Testarossa, is in search of ideal beauty, not the ostentatious, rather than obscures the limbs and limbs that are structured without a order, caged. I could hardly move the naked bodies, deformed subtracts from the space that forces them to the lack of aesthetic appeal and sensuality.
Anita vs Testarossa is a multimedia work, a portrait of the artist's original vision.
The color of the walls fills the space, disrupting the physical image, creating the ongoing struggle between reason and spirit of "being" and creativity, spirit and emotions.
Matter and spirit, and white colors, rational and irrational, and redhead anita.
The ballarotta is a multimedia work and painting. Anita Calà with mixed results in a work composed of four paintings and a video center that match the trunk showing the intimacy, the breasts but also the soul of the woman's heart. The color red symbolizes the "not perfect" that we all have and that we tend to hide while two white x erase the fears of the proceedings and emphasize the purity and cheerfulness with which they can live the female body.
The star performs, sways in the first timid, then free in a wild dance.
Help is a multimedia interactive. The character is actually behind the screen and asks desperately to be freed, but no one hear a call for help without a voice, a message ignored. Sweet, all in an ironic, given the game's graphics and colors.
Canned meat claustofobico is a video in which parts of the female body, hardly moving and sometimes trip, floating in a space that is not a model, but on the contrary forces, cages, traps. It seems to float in a fetus. Up to the desperate cry of a mouth that opens, a cry of woman without a voice, a suffocating help. Then everything resumes again. It is a 'lack of hope for the subject in the video and the viewer. The only alternative, for both, is to re-emerge to breathe deeply to "remain a galla”, per sopravvivere a quella condizione di calustofobia che quotidianamente ci costringe.
Nota Biografica
Anita Calà (in arte Testarossa) nasce il 6 agosto 1971 a Roma, dove tuttora vive e lavora. Dopo il diploma al Liceo artistico, frequenta l'Accademia di moda e costume. Ha lavorato come costumista per più di quindici anni per il cinema, la televisione ed il teatro ai massimi livelli. Nel 2005, arrivata all'apice della sua carriera di costumista, decide di mettersi in gioco scegliendo l'arte figurativa in tutte le sue forme quale espressione più autentica e rispondente alla propria natura creativa. Espone in diverse gallerie romane.
Probasis Angelo Mai
"TESTAROXXA" - Video Art
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 from 20:00
Les affiches
Soul Via Santa Maria, 52 - Rome (Centro Storico)
Posted by Annamaria Di Fabio and Michael Giannotti
Organization Alessandro Lagana
Free admission
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