Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Shave Your Vag


Mental health is a right for everyone, including you!

Sunday, October 10, at 19 - Theatre Lolli - Via Caterina Sforza 3 - Imola
CAGES - Theatrical Performance by ExtraVagantis Association.
CARLOS 282 - Theatrical Performance by the Theatre Company will present Taboo and TILT
Valter Galavotti, Department of Culture of the City of Imola


of ExtraVagantis
People do not are free. Even when I think I am there is always a cage that encloses. Small or large, need to live in the community (then become rules) or distortions imposed by someone with more power, subtle and imperceptible as the constraints, as models that are suggested to make it mandatory (accomplices for ourselves first, social animals who wish to recognize in others and have very little to stay out of the pack) ... People are locked up in some cage. And some cages are heavier than the others, those prejudices, those of cataloging / certifi ni. Some cages mark us, make us forever "different" in the sense of irreconcilable with the rest of the community. Some cages are imprisoning us not only against our will, but in the long, confusing, hazy. From some cages and we would still like forever away or re-run. From some cages (this "tells" the very short performance) you can quit. Alone or, perhaps better, in many. Change (in this case may be) history.

with Luca Vacirca, Tuccio Vacirca, Sabrina Bellini, Tommaso Mortari, Muzzi Cecilia, Cecilia Baroncini, Franco Martini, Paolo Ferri, Paolo Minghetti, Cesare Catarinicchia, Daniel Remondini, Elizabeth Servello, Davide Donati, Teresa Gagliostro, Ennio Sergio, Graziella Taroni, Deborah Deserri, Fabio Zauli, Baruzzi
Directed by Michael Henry Vagnini

Carlos 282; a name and number. Perhaps, as the title is a bit 'strange but it contains a story with many stories in again: what is the name of one of the many figures drawn da quello straordinario narratore che è Eduardo Galeano, 282 il numero di una porta. Una porta un po’ particolare perché deve restare aperta. Sempre. La storia costituisce solo un momento dello spettacolo ma è un po’ come se ne fosse la spina dorsale, il nucleo simbolico perché Carlos è un uomo che, anche nelle difficoltà, è capace di viaggiare e 282 un numero che ci ricorda come tutti noi possiamo diventare un semplice numero e in un batter d’occhi sparire in un mucchio, in un mucchio indistinto. Un po’ come i 240 viaggiatori di PATAS ARRIBA che sono andati in Argentina per sostenere la lotta antimanicomiale in atto in quel paese, Daniele, Franco, Paolo, Sergio e tanti altri, tutti con il loro nome e la their history, able to get as excited about the adventures of a world away but so close, because there too many names to be in my heart, around the world and holding it, the heart is always open, like port.

Free admission.


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