Monday 10 at the Centro Culturale Candiani in Mestre, we held the press conference at the Venice COMIC ART FEST!
Despite the strike of public transport there was a good turnout of reporters.
In addition to room and Emanuele Fabrizio Capigatti Tenderini, festival director and founder of the Cultural Veneziacomix, Frank Verni, artistic director, the Hon. Luana Zanella, Department of Culture, Henry Zola, director of the Foundation Querini Stampalia and Frank Anzalone, project management

Photo: Richard Bottazzo

Photo: Richard Bottazzo
was born on Comic Art Fest Venice and Venice became the world capital of comics
will be the "New dreams "by Milo Manara to illuminate the first edition of the Venice Comic Art Fest, First International Festival of Cartoon Art in Venice, which will liven up the lagoon city December 12 to 14 ( Comic
The Venice Art Fest, organized by Veneziacomix and making use of general management and Emanuele Fabrizio Capigatti Tenderini and the artistic direction of Frank Verni, in fact wants to return to Venice attention and love for the comic, from the '50s until now, has made the central city in the short and intense history of this art by authors such as Hugo Pratt, Dino Battaglia, Giorgio Cavazza. Prince
protagonist of the first edition is Milo Manara, the Italian comic book artist best known to the world, who will attend the Foundation Querini Stampalia with the exhibition "New Dreams", from 13 December to 11 January. The exhibition has the advantage of showing the public more than three hundred tables, pictures and oil paintings have never been exposed before now, and most of them, completely new in Italy. Among these are the pages of "46", the comic strip written and Valentino Rossi in the riders is a protagonist, as the saga of "Borgia" written by Alejandro Jodorowsky, and strips of "Pandora", unpublished comic strip drawn on screenplay by Vincenzo Cerami. In the very first time you will then see a series of preparatory sketches and studies of people and places that Milo Manara has created for the film "Barbarella," Hollywood production that will see behind the camera the director Robert Rodriguez and the draft of a film ever conducted: an odyssey starring a Ulysses with the face of Pier Paolo Pasolini.
Especially for this exhibition, Manara ha dipinto l’illustrazione della locandina, una sensuale gondoliera dark, e alcuni quadri ad olio che raccontano Venezia e che si inseriscono nel progetto del “Pittore e la modella”. Spazio anche al teatro con le illustrazioni di Manara per l’ultimo spettacolo di Riondino e la locandina acquerellata del musical teatrale di Enzo Iacchetti “Giacomo Casanova - La notte dei posteri”.
Il festival vero e proprio si terrà il 13 e il 14 dicembre all’Ex Palazzo del Casinò del Lido di Venezia (programma completo su Tra gli autori che animeranno questa tre giorni tra spettacolo e fumetto ci sarà il maestro Sergio Toppi, al quale sarà consegnato un premio alla carriera, Giorgio Cavazzano, maestro Disney nel mondo, lo stesso Milo Manara e Gianfranco Enrietto, disegnatore dei Gormiti.
Tra una tavola rotonda sul collezionismo nel fumetto, sessioni di autografo, presentazioni e un incontro dedicato da Ca’ Foscari alla “Letteratura e fumetto” si potrà assistere (il 13 alle 18) anche ad uno spettacolo di cabaret per beneficenza al quale parteciperanno comici visti a Zelig.
per informazioni:
Fabrizio Capigatti cellulare 0039 348 2656714;
Francesco Verni, ufficio stampa, 0039 349 4733107
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