Monday, December 7, 2009

Airless Paint System Lowes

December 10, at 20 - Gym Ravaglia - Via Kolbe, 3 - Imola (BO)

Posted by: POL amateur for social inclusion "And yet it moves", co-ordination ANPIS Emilia Romagna Faenza and Imola UISP with the cooperation of migrant groups.

the Assessor will be present for the Integration of Multicultural Imola Ivan Vigna

The tournament will be held on December 10, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ravaglia in the gym via Kolbe, 3 in Imola and is organized by amateur POL for social inclusion "And yet it moves", coordination ANPIS Emilia Romagna, the DSM / DP asl UISP Imola Imola and Faenza.

This year the event Sports will be preceded by a screening of the documentary made by the 19 UISP on global anti-racist: Each year national initiative that brings together the membership of numerous sports teams from around the world and a couple of years is held in nearby Casalecchio di Reno We put emphasis on the issue of "racism" conscious of the need to build a bulwark against the risk of a barbarism of relations within our community, unfortunately, the numerous alleged incidents of aggression implemented on the national territory against migrants.

At 20 to kick off the tournament will be the Deputy Mayor Councillor alle Politiche per l’Integrazione Multiculturale del Comune di Imola Ivan Vigna per ribadire con forza che diritti umani e salute mentale viaggiano sugli stessi binari.

A dare un calcio al razzismo ed ai pregiudizi che si generano attorno alle vite dei migranti ci penseranno i gruppi sportivi dell’ANPIS Emilia Romagna, i ragazzi stranieri ospiti dell’Istituto Santa Caterina di Imola, cittadini imolesi provenienti dall’Africa che hanno dato vita all’associazione AARI e rappresentanti della comunità rumena, Tutti Insieme daranno luogo ad un allegro e colorito incontro tra persone che quotidianamente mettono al centro della loro vita il rispetto dei diritti e della dignità di ciascuno.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Aero Jam (white / Black / Teal)

Krisis - 1st movement

Thursday 10 December, 17.00 - City Center Gallery - Imola

Krisis - 1st movement

Performance laboratory
final play on the themes of crisis, fearful of the future event generator.

By ExtraVagantis - Integrated New Theatre Association, in collaboration with the Theatre Company of the Crescent Moon
  • The idea is to go to occupy the space closed under the City Center with a performance-more people the better we will be - able to "give testimony" of different stories of different people, pearls which the theme of the crisis takes on different meanings, from deep personal troubles , tied or menoalle impact on their lives difficult general economic and social development.
  • The idea is to give theatrical form to the many stories that we would like to tell. " The theater can "darevoce and body" on urgent topics, collected by the turns of real people, inevitably linked to those delcontesto social environment in which they live.
  • The idea is to involve people who have never done theater, but who think that the teatropossa give the opportunity to express thoughts, emotions, ideas, designing and acting a communication diforte impact, returning the realities of life, especially light and giving voice to what could dirimanere hidden to those who have no voice.
  • The idea is to start from interviews from witnesses, from materials collected in collaboration with the varisoggetti you rritorio such as trade unions, associations and institutions.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can A Sore Throat Indicate Lymphoma

Tuesday, December 8, 2009, ore 17 - Teatro Observance - Via Ventura 14 Imola (BO)

inside out - book presentation Roberta Giacometti

Testimonies of former mental hospitals with nurses assigned to the presentation of the Crescent Moon Theatre Company: The proceeds will go to Emergency

By Emergency and Theatre Company of the Crescent Moon.

Reading / Performance with live music
  • Stems Conrad (narrator)
  • Mazzolani Marina (voice narrator)
  • Maurizio Piancastelli (trumpet, live electronics)

Can You Wash Wrestling Shoe


Saturday, December 5, 10:30 am - St. Francis Hall, Town Library Imola - Via Emilia 88 - Imola (BO)


The order of madness

Initiative as part of the exhibition "Beyond the fence," sponsored by the Documentation Centre for Mental Health Epicenter Hippogriff and

The documentary The order of madness made by the Centro Studi di Parma, offers some ideas about the evolution of psychiatric care, stories and testimonies of those who have personally known Mark Levy MD and Mario Tommasioni.

During the meeting, the Foundation will be presented Matteo Bagnaresi non-profit organization.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Godzilla Plastic Models

right! Put in neutral!

November 26, at 9 / 13 - Theatre of the Observance - Via Ventura, 14 - Imola


events open to the public with the presence of students of institutes of higher education.
will present the students of high school students who did the Polo stage all'AUSL Imola, David Dalfiumee Group Krila (Theatre of the Oppressed).

- 9.00 am: Arrival of participants;
- 9.30: Opening of the mayor of Imola missing
- 10.00: Interview and presentation of the video produced by the interns Liceo socio psycho pedagogical Imola at the Mental Health Services
- 10.30: TILT, experience of the Laboratory raids on buses 2009 and held by Massimiliano Buldrini Carmine Cataldi with testimonies of the students participating in the laboratory raids 2010;
- 11.00: Break ;
- 11:15 am: Oppressed theatrical performance; Performance "link between stereotypes and prejudice." Theater forum: spectators a spett-attori di Alessandro Tolomelli del Teatro dell’Oppresso
- ore 12.30: conclusione con Davide Dalfiume

Sarà presente il Sindaco del Comune di Imola Daniele Manca

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gas Detector Residential


A cura di Michela Giannotti

Q uale è il tuo percorso professionale e di esperienze in ambito fotografico?
Ho iniziato a fare foto a quindici anni. E per diversi anni sono stato un autodidatta. Poi ho studiato presso la Scuola Romana di Fotografia” ed il nome che ha la mia gratitudine è Stefano Compagnucci. Dopo ho frequentato diversi workshop tenuti da professionisti, Robert Marnika, Diana Grandi, Fabiano Ventura, Martin Benes. Nel 2007 ho partecipato al “San Lorenzo Fotofestival”, Roma, due foto in mostra sono state pubblicate nel libro “San Lorenzo – Racconti Fotografici”. Nel 2009 ho partecipato alla mostra collettiva “Riflettersi nel Mare”, Bologna. E sempre nel 2009 sono stato selezionato come finalista al concorso “Digital Camera Photographer of the year ".

What it means to you "seize the moment" in the act of photography?
Photography is a destiny that follow. The senses are concentrated, achieve familiarity with what is around you and realize a part of your path.

What do you like best to photograph and why?
With the first nude, or figure, I infected complicity and respect. The images produced have participated in the exhibition in Bologna "reflected in the sea." A test that was missing, excellent experience.
What would you like photography?
portraits, travel, landscapes. I like to achieve with my own eyes and know that moment, the details of that place.

What kind of testing you do in the creation of a photo?
With the light and composition, first of all. Without leaving the technique and rules, however important, the only solutions.

photos to deliver on further consideration based on some particular technique (computer, for example)?
realize my images with film or slide, then I scan a selection and perfected in Photoshop as a darkroom. The result is pretty faithful.

I know that produces pictures for theater and fashion, is a context that appeals to you and stimulates you or otherwise "lazy"?
soon as I can I devote myself to the theater and the portrait. I am fascinated by both.

Tell me about the naked female nude .. guess what "femininity" and "grace" acting on the act of shooting?
I did not only portraits of female figures. I do not have rules and a willingness to be filmed is everything. The competition "Digital Camera Photographer of the Year 2009" was selected with the figure of a man.

What are your future plans?
One of the next projects will be "Tiber" and is linked to the river Tiber, I would like to test my ability to portray the landscape to enhance the route.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Convert Your Traditional Ira To A Roth 2010


Giovedì 19 novembre, ore 21 - La Palazzina – Via Quaini, 14 - Imola


Proiezione del movie "You can do" by Giulio Manfredonia with Claudio Bisio (comedy, Italy, 2008).

After free comments. FREE screening.

By the Documentation Centre of Hippogriff Epic'entro on mental health and, in collaboration with the Youth Project of the City of Imola.

will attend the City's planning department and the Youth Project of the City of Imola Andrea Bondi.

* * *

La proiezione del documentario “L’ORDINE DELLA FOLLIA” programmato per Giovedì 12 Novembre è posticipato al 5 Dicembre, ore 10.30 presso la sala San Francesco della Biblioteca Comunale di Imola, Via Emilia 88.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Congested 2 Month Old Since Birth

La poesia: ad Alda Merini


are very restless

bind me

Alda Merini

Median Bmi For European Females By Age


6-7 Novembre, Teatro Lolli
Via Caterina Sforza, 3 - Imola (Ospedale Vecchio, di fianco the CUP)
Friday 9:00 to 17:30 / Saturday 9:00 to 13:00


training course on the culture and practice of "fareassieme" and the operation of the FOE, ie, "all those people and those family members who for personal history have acquired a knowledge of experience that puts them in a position to provide a structured and continuous performance recognized in various areas of activities of the Department of Mental Health Trento.

Speakers trainers of the Department of Mental Health and the Association of Trent "The Bench" with representatives of FOE Trentino. There will be a similar experience in Bologna, which was launched recently in CSM Mazzacorati with the Association "Tree: Together we can."

In the event (organized by "E pas and temp in Imola)
presentation of the book by Gerry Mary: THE SON OF Cuckoo
"The world as seen through the existential event a father, to whom life has given the fast lane of the pain. "

The free course is designed for operators, users, families and all citizens concerned with mental health issues.

and the coordinator self-help Imola and the Department of Mental Health AUSL Imola.

Sarà presente l’Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Imola Valter Galavotti

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mario And Sonic Birthday Cake

III edition WITH RUN-

Domenica 25 ottobre 2009 ore 9,30
Imola Piazza Gramsci
III edizione - CON-CORRERE
3° Maratona per la Salute Mentale

Italia-Argentina: per un mondo senza manicomi.
Maratona aperta a tutti, non competitiva.
Ci muoviamo in un percorso attraverso le strade della città
e scopriamo che la salute mentale si costruisce assieme.

CON-CORRERE è un’occasione per sostenere le numerose iniziative argentine, sviluppatesi in seno alla società civile, orientate a restituire i diritti di cittadinanza alle persone che ancora vivono nei manicomi. L’intento è di evidenziare che l’azione di queste iniziative è vicina a
quella che, verso la fine degli anni 60, ha portato ad una progressiva chiusura dei manicomi in Italia, grazie alla legge 180, until we get to final closure in 1996.
CON-RUN is an event that reminds us how every citizen with their actions, their thinking is jointly responsible for the welfare of the community and how important it is to live in a community marked by collective behavior supportive, welcoming, respectful of differences .
CON-RUN is a sporting event that takes place through the streets of the city and places that create a symbolic joining of Mental Health. There are several factors that "running" to establish the welfare of the people for a job, a place to live, cultivate family relationships,
live in a rich social environment of occasions when mature relations calm, feeling part of a community that respects the environment because it respects the individual.

MENTAL HEALTH AND 'A common asset which they build together.

  • 9.30 am: meeting in Piazza Gramsci - Imola. Greeting
    Councillor for Sports Luciano Mazzini. Subscriptions
    the marathon.
    Performance: "Fear? We are not afraid! "
  • 10.00: departure.
    Along the route will be set up two places to eat. At the community
    "Albatros" e la Residenza “Via dei Colli”.
  • Ore 10.30: arrivo presso la comunità Cà del Vento al Parco Dell’Osservanza (percorso breve).
    Divertimento per grandi e piccini con la partecipazione di: Vip Clown Forlì, Il Ponte Azzurro, T.I.L.T., Dog and Fun (esibizione d’agility dog), Magic Imola asd, Gip - Api asd e Pedalando per Sao Bernardo.
  • Ore 12.30: arrivo presso la comunità Cà del Vento al Parco Dell’Osservanza (percorso lungo)
  • Ore 13.00: premiazione dei gruppi.
  • Ore 13.30: ricco buffet offerto dall’organizzazione a tutti i Partecipanti alla Maratona.
liaison: Live audio-video with La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) to greet the start of the second leg of the marathon trans-continental Italy and Argentina.
spoke of citizens, representatives of associations and authorities.

Canadian Kate Playground Wiki

Presentation video Patasarriba 2008

Presentation video Patasarriba 2008
A journey against the stigma and prejudice for a world without asylums

Thursday 22 October 2009 16:30
Palazzo Monsignani Sassatelli
Mariele Ventre Room - Via Emilia, 69 - Imola (BO)

Roberto Visani
Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Health and Social Quality Imola
Angelo Fioritti
Service Manager Mental Health
addiction and Health in Prisons of the Emilia Romagna
John De Plato
University of Bologna
Benedetta Prugnoli
Director of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Drug 'Local Health Unit of Imola
Andrea Panizzi
President Coordination ANPIS Emilia Romagna

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Transmission For 1990 Volvo

Snacks community

14-21-28 October at three residential


Three afternoons (15.30) dedicated to the preparation of a snack:

- Albatros : Wednesday, October 14, Via Giovanni XXIII, 2 - Imola

- Samarkand : Wednesday, October 21, Via San Vitale Ovest - Fossatone of Medicine

- Apartment Via Sangiorgi Groups: Wednesday, October 28, Via Sangiorgi 4 - Imola

In this occasion will be served tea with assorted pastries and hot drinks.

By the Cooperative and the Cooperative Seacoop Agave Imola.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Free Russianbare Gallery

Free Theatre Workshop for the preparation of
raids represent buses

to begin on Monday, October 12
free drama workshop led by Massimiliano Buldrini and Carmine Cataldi
Cultural Association TILT
to create theatrical performances to be represented on buses from 2010

When: every Monday from 17.00 to 19.00 (times may vary)

Where: Theatre Lolli - Via Caterina Sforza 3 - Imola (BO)

Info: 340/5790974 -

Monday, October 5, 2009

Poem For My Sister's Pregnancy

October 14, 2009 Bologna

Wednesday, October 14, at 15.30 to 19.00
Sala Silentium Lane Bolognetti 2 San Vitale - Bologna
"ITEMS NOT LISTENING." Introduced by Nedda
Alberghini Po, Chairman of "The Case of the Angels of Daniel" Onlus.
Screening of the documentary "Puetia Mashin" George Piracci.
Speakers: Carla Corradi Musi (Professor, Dept. of Languages \u200b\u200band LM - University of Bologna), Giorgio Piracci , Naturalista. Testimonianze fotografiche del lavoro di Aldo Lo Curto, medico volontario itinerante tra gli indigeni del mondo . In collab. con Lab. Perm. Studi Sciamanesimo Unibo ;
Fuorivista Cinema e San Vitale.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test In Tokyo


July 29 at 21 pm Notetempo village held TIRIAMOLA UP!!
Live Concert Rock and Jazz, which sees alternating Damiana Fiammenghi on stage, and the Grand Master Hugh, Alessandra Simoni and Emily does not betray.

An evening of solidarity for the reconstruction of L'Aquila ..

Notetempo Village July 29 21.00 Verano Gardens (San Lorenzo) Admission: free

Friday, July 17, 2009

Where Can You Get A Normal Ds Car Charger


Opens Monday, July 20 and 19 hours on display until July 31, the exhibition at the Gallery of Anita Calà Gallery (Photography Contemporary Art), Via Apuana 55 - Rome .

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cheap Circus Themed Outfit


Mercoledì 20 Maggio 2009 ore 18,15 Città di SASSO MARCONI
Sala del Consiglio Comunale P.zza dei Martiri Sasso Marconi (BO)
Assessorato alle Pari opportunità - In collaborazione con Labpermstudisciamanesimo
Proiezione del CORTOMETRAGGIO (4’ - 2008): "LA SIRENA".
Tratto dal film collettivo "ALL HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL". Il cortometraggio è ispirato all’Art. 6 della Dichiarazione Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Directed by Daniele Cini collaboration with Francesca Zanni. Presentation by Fuorivista.

"MYTHS AND METAMORPHOSIS" Sirene, DEE, Sybil, contemporary woman. BY feminine archetypes of social change

Sandra Federici (Municipality of Sasso Marconi)
Lida Maria Di Iorio (Caracult / Fuorivista): Sirens synesthetic, between art and cinema: a myth that resonates
Carla Corradi Musi, Professor of Languages and Modern Foreign Lett (Lab Perm. Studies on Shamanism): Brief introduction to the Metamorphoses, as part of the Shamanic Tradition of Symbols and Myths
Nedda Alberghini Po, Associazione Onlus "The Case of the Angels of Daniel": Metamorphosis and rebirth: a hope for women in developing countries
When: Marilena Fabbri
Mayor opened the works installed in the Garden, "Maria Gimbutas" of artists and Alessandra Stivani Monica Macchiarini, dedicated to the topic the Great Goddess

We will be together to:
Francesco Benozzo Tale in concert (Celtic harp and singing) and presentation of the new album "terraqueous"
Readings by Marija Gimbutas and Group Harmony Association - Bologna
Buffet in the garden.
You are all invited. Free Entry.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cannot Install Reason Factory Sound Bank

TESTAROXXA 2 - VIDEOART: Martedì 12 Maggio a 68 Via Savoia Roma

of Anita

Probasis Angelo Mai
"TESTAROXXA" 2 - Video Art
May 12, 2009 from 20.00-dinner drink
Via Savoia 68
Via Savoia 68 - Rome (near Piazza Fiume)
Posted by Annamaria Di Fabio and Michael Giannotti Alessandro Lagana
Free admission

Second appointment with the video of Anita Calà, aka Testarossa. Continue testing graphic artist and multimedia games around the city of Rome. On this occasion, the video alternates between the walls of 68 Via Savoia.
a preview screening last, unpublished work, "Only the sea," a metaphor for the inner journey of each of us in the sea of \u200b\u200blife, represented by the adventures of a lonely goldfish.

Calà Anita (aka Testarossa ) was born August 6, 1971 in Rome, where he still lives and works. After graduating from art school, he attended the Academy of fashion and costume. He worked as a costume designer for more fifteen years for the film, television and theater at the highest levels. In 2005, reached the peak of his career as a costume designer, decided to get involved by choosing the arts in all its forms as the most authentic and responsive to their creative nature. He exhibited in various galleries in Rome.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Conversion Van For Sale Ontario


After much wandering, to hear about art, meet artists, I get this email last night, so dense as spontaneous, which translates into a few lines what I think about art and more generally the meaning of life, but I would never have been able to synthesize and write so well .. and to think that he's a publicist!?

hello, I Tognazzi work but as said in the masterpiece that was my friends' Saw matter. " then allocates the 8 per thousand of my time for me to tell you what is creativity. indeed the tension towards what the true meaning of life.
the true meaning of life is knowing that you die. bellissimo.perché and you have a time that sometimes when I break the balls to wait for a bus I wonder, but as time passes, I count the seconds and I say, they are my second and I approach the end . Then I reflect and say to myself. but this is life: waiting for a bus to a stop while the wind blows a newspaper page that contains many other lives. and then transform it into something trivial that warms my heart. I would hold that sheet of newspaper and read of people's lives that he says, but as I write part of a wonderful song by U2 and I go back to my mind when I took that bus to go to college, in the fog light of a medieval town that brings me back I did not think back to that nostalgia can be. the waterfront of Tripoli in '21 where I've never been. car that runs almost the steam and the puffs of his engine there is another story that brings me to the pot for Easter celebrations. the ladle that goes and then serves the dish a taste of simple things done. every moment is unique and infinite, and here a song smith. and I would say that my desk is made of many things ordered that I take with my hands and turn into real ones just for the illusion that I have decided that vivere.Insomma dream, you'll look crazy or insane or drunk or intrippato. but think how much life is in every second of your, my, that of ex-Persichetti, who works at the post office but maybe something different dreams. art is this, why make life worth living makes it infinite. for example, I'm here by God to write these things to the circus. I'm not with you, you're not with me, though maybe you're still twenty yards, but it seems to me a distance so great that only tell you about a common interest can fill.
send it to you now, because yesterday my damn connection is dropped.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

How To Get Rid Of Cyst In Brain

TESTAROXXA - VIDEOART: Mercoledì 1 Aprile a Les Affiches-Roma


aspettando The Road to Contemporary Art

Mercoledì 1 Aprile
dalle ore 20.00
Via dell’Anima,52 – Roma (centro storico)

A cura di Michela Giannotti e Annamaria di Fabio

Quattro video cross the walls of Les Affiches. In the music, the characters move Calà Anita, aka Testarossa. The images are graphic and multimedia experiments obstinately on the female body, the artist focuses on his research. He moves faster, the colors, she does dance, gives the grimaces and tears, makes it soft and plump, it always shows in the balance between heart and brain.
In contrast to the frenetic movement of the first works with the emotions put into place, with the intimacy revealed, is also projected "Canned meat". Here, Testarossa, is in search of ideal beauty, not the ostentatious, rather than obscures the limbs and limbs that are structured without a order, caged. I could hardly move the naked bodies, deformed subtracts from the space that forces them to the lack of aesthetic appeal and sensuality.

Anita vs Testarossa is a multimedia work, a portrait of the artist's original vision.
The color of the walls fills the space, disrupting the physical image, creating the ongoing struggle between reason and spirit of "being" and creativity, spirit and emotions.
Matter and spirit, and white colors, rational and irrational, and redhead anita.

The ballarotta is a multimedia work and painting. Anita Calà with mixed results in a work composed of four paintings and a video center that match the trunk showing the intimacy, the breasts but also the soul of the woman's heart. The color red symbolizes the "not perfect" that we all have and that we tend to hide while two white x erase the fears of the proceedings and emphasize the purity and cheerfulness with which they can live the female body.
The star performs, sways in the first timid, then free in a wild dance.

Help is a multimedia interactive. The character is actually behind the screen and asks desperately to be freed, but no one hear a call for help without a voice, a message ignored. Sweet, all in an ironic, given the game's graphics and colors.

Canned meat claustofobico is a video in which parts of the female body, hardly moving and sometimes trip, floating in a space that is not a model, but on the contrary forces, cages, traps. It seems to float in a fetus. Up to the desperate cry of a mouth that opens, a cry of woman without a voice, a suffocating help. Then everything resumes again. It is a 'lack of hope for the subject in the video and the viewer. The only alternative, for both, is to re-emerge to breathe deeply to "remain a galla”, per sopravvivere a quella condizione di calustofobia che quotidianamente ci costringe.

Nota Biografica
Anita Calà (in arte Testarossa) nasce il 6 agosto 1971 a Roma, dove tuttora vive e lavora. Dopo il diploma al Liceo artistico, frequenta l'Accademia di moda e costume. Ha lavorato come costumista per più di quindici anni per il cinema, la televisione ed il teatro ai massimi livelli. Nel 2005, arrivata all'apice della sua carriera di costumista, decide di mettersi in gioco scegliendo l'arte figurativa in tutte le sue forme quale espressione più autentica e rispondente alla propria natura creativa. Espone in diverse gallerie romane.

Probasis Angelo Mai

"TESTAROXXA" - Video Art
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 from 20:00
Les affiches
Soul Via Santa Maria, 52 - Rome (Centro Storico)
Posted by Annamaria Di Fabio and Michael Giannotti
Organization Alessandro Lagana
Free admission

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cross Soul Doujinshi English

May 20, 2009 April 1, 2009 AT 15-19 Free admission

ALMA MATER Studiorum - Università di Bologna

April 1, 2009 from 15 to 19


SIRENS, DEE, Sybil, contemporary women
BY feminine archetypes of social change
The meeting, sponsored by the Permanent Workshop of Studies on Shamanism and coordinated by Professor . ssa Carla Corradi Musi, focuses on the richness and breadth of the archetypes that are common Eurasian territories, taking into consideration the characteristics of current metamorphosis of women of myth, symbolic representations of the regenerative capacity of women.
Opening: SHORT FILM (4 '- 2008): "La Sirena". Drawn from the collective film "ALL HUMAN RIGHTS FOR ALL". The short film (like the other episodes) is inspired by Art. 6 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Directed by Daniele Cini in collaboration with Francesca Zanni. Presentation by the publication FUORIVISTA cinema and multimedia.

Greetings: Daniela
Gallingani, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures, Keir Elam, Director of the Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band Literatures Modern Foreign.

Speakers: Carla Corradi Musi
: Woman and metamorphosis in shamanic myths
Sanna Maria Martin: The wife of the wolf, a werewolf in the case of Finnish literature
Rozsnyói Zsuzsanna: The metamorphosis of S. Lucia in the rites and beliefs Hungarian folk
Giorgia Ferrari Of water, earth and heaven with the woman-black duck
Felice Vinci: Metamorphosis women between the Mediterranean and Baltic
Sonia Maura Barillari: Sibille, and other anguane metamorphosis
Patrick Caraffi: Sirens Medieval
Francesco Benozzo: The metamorphosis of the goddess Epona: from prehistoric to medieval world myths
Giuseppina Speltini: Transformations and women living spaces
Nedda Alberghini Po, Associazione Onlus "The Case of the Angels of Daniel": Metamorphosis and rebirth: a hope for women in developing countries. At 18:15

the poet Vincenzo Crapo, interviewed by FUORIVISTA, will dedicate the theme of some lyrics from his book, illustrated by the painter Calusca (Luke Scandura), Nudes or Calzati.

Info 37 051 43 27 Association CaraCult

Friday, March 13, 2009

Herpes Simplex 1 On Your Stomach

Roma contemporary art 2009

From 2 to 5 April 2009 Rome

April 3, 2009 from 21.30 to 24.00
Freaky Friday

A night dedicated to the art: more than 60 galleries and spaces are open for the occasion from 21.30 to 24.00, including openings and meetings with artists.

For info:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sample Letter Invocation Prayter

Veneziacomix e la Scuola del Fumetto

Conferenza stampa - apertura del II°anno!

Appuntamento a giovedì 19 Febbraio alle ore 16.30, alla Sala Seminariale del Centro Culturale Candiani , per la presentazione del secondo anno di attività della nuova Scuola del Fumetto di Venezia. Un'occasione per conoscere la nuova realtà formativa fumettistica del veneziano e incontrare i suoi insegnanti, non mancate!


  • Director of the School of Comics in Venice, Fabrizio Capigatti: conference introduction and presentation of the second year of school, report of Comic Art Fest, held in Venice December 2008;
  • Greetings of the Authorities, Luana Zanella, Department of Culture of Venice Marco Polo System Administrator
  • geie, Pietrangelo Pettenò: hospitality offered at the School of Comics in Venice and to the activities of Cultural Veneziacomix within Forte Marghera;
  • Artistic Director School of Comics in Venice, Emanuele Tenderini: presentation and organization of courses, quality of schools and teachers' professionalism, presentation of new professors;
  • Questions, closed meeting.

Press and External Relations

Manager Dr. Frank Anzalone

Email: francesca.anzalone @ cell. 347 4686369

Netlife Ltd. Communication for School of Comics in Venice

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wendy Better Denise Milani

Studio XX: inaugurato studio di incisione gratuito a Roma

E ''s time to play them! !!!!!!! The Rome Municipality
XX has promoted and supported the construction of a multipurpose music studio to be made available to the public in Rome. Made in the district Banner, by way of the white chickens within a stable property 'of the City of Rome, Studio XX' was equipped with professional environments and technologies in order to give everyone the opportunity 'to experiment with music. The recording studio was proposed by the then leader of the DS James Wedding and financed with funds from the Region, Province and Municipality of Rome, then all of CSX. The hotel recently opened
will offer 'rehearsal rooms and recording as well as' courses of musical instrument. The public will be able to 'enjoy all the services at a reduced price and in particular time slots of the week's rehearsal will be' offered for free. To participate in the project as' a partner in the XX and manager of the hotel and city hall 'was chosen companies' sector, the Hi-Com Srl, will offer 'to young aspirants the opportunity to test themselves in order to increase their experience in music.
Personally, it is a hope and a challenge for anyone who engages in the discovery of their artistic and creative.

"That's what I have to say about music: listen, play them, love, riveritela and keep your mouth shut." A. Einstein.

Friday, January 9, 2009

How Do I Get A Green Sticker For My Sand Rail


Video: Elisa Frasinetti