Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Voice Of Jack In The Box

music, art, philosophy (and wine)
of Probasis Angelo Mai

Saturday, March 1, 2008 19:00

Wine Garage, via di Monte Giordano, 63 - Rome ( Old Town)

"Identity found"
Video Performance Ernesto Morales
by Annamaria Di Fabio and Michael Giannotti

with the participation of Emilia Cerutti tango dancer
Giancarlo Russo
music video of Narcotango


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMrEzOI302o & feature = related

The performance aims to analyze through the language of video art, the relationship between interactivity and, to document the immediacy of the experience live.
Ne L’Identità Ritrovata di Ernesto Morales, l’arte performativa si presenta attraverso il Tango argentino rivisitato in chiave moderna ed espresso corporalmente da Emilia Cerutti. Che succede se una tanghera irrompe in un’affollata enoteca romana in una sera d’inverno ? Che succede se i suoi movimenti sfiorano i corpi rilassati del pubblico ? Chi si stupirà per primo, chi e come reagirà ?
Ernesto Morales è un pittore e video-maker argentino che ama mescolare identità e appartenenze, senza rinunciare alle radici e alla propria identità. Morales, mette in scena due mondi e senza avere la pretesa di fonderli, cerca un canale di comunicazione. Emilia Cerutti, anche lei argentina, è stata vice-campionessa del festival mondiale di Tango nel 2006.
L’artista mette a confronto il pubblico nella ricerca di un mixing estemporaneo e sinergico tra ripresa video, musica e proiezione. L’interattività tra realtà vissuta e realtà ripresa introdotta dalla sensualità del ballo argentino, si esplica nel confronto con il pubblico, che coinvolto in uno spettacolo dal vivo, si trasforma da attore a spettatore della performance.

Ernesto Morales , pittore, fotografo e videomaker, è nato in Argentina nel 1974, attualmente vive e lavora a Roma. L’opera di Ernesto Morales integra diversi linguaggi e tecniche visuali, che vanno dai procedimenti tradizionali alle nuove tecnologie. Ha realizzato molte esposizioni e diversi progetti culturali, ottenendo numerosi riconoscimenti. Il lavoro dell’artista è volto verso la ricerca di un’arte multimediale e inserita nelle problematiche sociali contemporanee. La sua arte investiga la formazione di nuove identità sociali e individuali a partire dal processo migratorio fino all’attuale globalizzazione. Il passato, il presente, la memoria collettiva, l’interculturalità e lo sguardo sull’altro, sono i temi fondamentali del suo lavoro.

Emilia Cerutti , ballerina argentina, attualmente risiede a Roma. Nel 2006 è vicecampionessa del Festival Mondiale di Tango argentino. E’ influenzata dance, Tango is passion for the traditional skill of the modern Tango, adding a personal interpretation of this body determined by the use of other artistic disciplines. He studied with the great masters of Argentine Tango and has participated in theatrical, television and film. Tango teacher, she performs frequently in Italy and other European countries.

free admission to drink from 19.00
for info:

See pics by clicking the following link:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/24335243 @ N02/sets/72157604044716583 /

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How To Determine Webcam

Cultural Events to Visit


Thursday, February 21 22:00
Via Ostiense, 95 Roma

Free Entry

The February 21, 2008 22:00 SHOW / Concert at the Literary Cafe in Rome, entitled Artists and Craftsmen with the music of "John and the Great Master" by NTFC Records. Along with the concert

exhibition of paintings, ceramics and jewelry:

panels Monica Lelli

Ceramics Manufactory

Jewelry DB Collection

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Minox Compact Binocular Review

unmissable unmissable

Meetings music, art, philosophy (and wine) by the

From Saturday, February 2 at Wine Garage (via di Monte Giordano 63-Center of Rome)
Bars starting at 19:00
Free admission
For detail of "happening!" scroll down

Saturday, February 2-
Jazz Concert Saturday, February 16-Passion (philosophy) and music
Saturday, March 1, Music, Video and Arts Festival

Details of the appetizers:

Saturday, February 2 at 19:00
Thessalonica 4et jazz concert
"A call for a demo (n)-live"
Ruben Rigillo trumpet

Gianluca Sacco bass clarinet
Max Greek guitar
Marco Contessi bass

Saturday, February 16 at 19:00
presentation of the book:
between Ontology and Philosophical Investigations
Violence (ed.) Paul Gilbert
authors will be present: Paul Gilbert, Pier Paolo Fiorini, Gianluca Sacco, Michele Cataluddi, Luisa Clean, Luca Sinibaldi
"PASSION" by the Fourth Cover: "In the last century now, the phenomenon of passion has rarely been investigated by the philosophy and essentially neglected by the ethical and political thought, to be so variable relegated to the realm of psychoanalysis, lapped by social psychology, translated from the biological and behavioral theories . But the passions are in some way, press, move and, although not reducible to other phenomena such as drives, emotions and instincts, contribute to the acceleration of the world, constitute the political and social impact on individual and collective destinies, draw slope that the reason seems to be often forced to seguire.I ten contributions in the volume edited by Professor Paul Gilbert, are, In this sense, the distillate of many years of work (marked by seminars held regularly at various locations in Rome) on the proposed theme, a complete reflection, which seeks to revitalize the central metaphysical and political passion within the plot, complex and confusing, of current thinking. "

Saturday, March 1st at 19:00
In conjunction with the Road to Contemporary Art, the first exhibition of Roman art, video art, to follow the complex MagroneDigbeuDuo Jazz concert and festival artists.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

List Of Chinese Adjective







20Febbraio Wednesday, 19 pm onwards, and until March 1
Via Nazionale 283, Tower Greek (NA)
Free admission

Santiago Faraone Mennella, calls his photographic project at TRASH:
"Dear friends, friends, near and far, I take this opportunity to greet presenting x TRASH .

TRASH , sadly the current word for all of us, but what I propose is precisely TRASH - Trash REABILITATION ACTIVITY SUPPORT HUMAN KIND -:

Photo Project, edited by Santiago Faraone Mennella
Painting. The art of Others. edited by G. Liguori
Sculpture. Trash art creation. Edited by A. Montefusco
Live Rock Contest with Albino D'Amato and Rosario Balzano

If ti incuriosisce, sei il benvenuto Mercoledì 20Febbraio, dalle ore 19 in poi."


Monday, February 4, 2008

Are There Any Other Programs Like Jibjab?

to visit

Esplorazioni nell'arte contemporanea a Roma
a cura di Shara Wasserman e Lexi Eberspacher

Gallery of Art
Temple University Rome Campus
Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia 15
00196 Rome, Italy
inaugurazione martedì 5 febbraio, 2008 ore 19,00-21,00
apertura Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 19.00

until March 1

Explorations is a group exhibition of a selection of artists who currently contribute to the creation or definition contemporary art, and working on the Roman territory. These artists, in some cases linked by affection and common experiences, from cultural interaction and work, reflect the developmental period that contemporary art is vivendo.Questa generation of artists who lived at the beginning of developments in contemporary art Rome, the strategic moment when the city has begun to open up in a conscious art International and then to a new artistic vocabulary.

Explorations intends to show the public the wide and strong position in contemporary Roman art, allowing us to see the works in a collection, and understand the various forms of expression and artistic solutions.
All the artists have shown characteristic features not identifiable style or technique but rather in their approach to work, which is evident in the way of operating self-respect of themselves and aware of developments in contemporary art International.

includes works by various techniques, representative of the artist's work.
Artists are: Gwendolyn

Salini goldiechiari
Marco Alessandro Raparelli Piangiamore
Corrado Sassi Andrea Salvino
Valentino Joseph Federico Pietrella Diego Alessandro Sarra
Flavio de Marco Pietro Ruffo
Stanislaus June Ph.On
Wolfgang Berkowski