Friday, October 22, 2010

Nair Salon Divine Brazilian

Last October

Tuesday, October 26, 9 am - Cinema / Theatre Cappuccini - Via Villa Clelia 12 - Imola

WORDS ARE SEMI Path awareness on the role played by the media in the construction and deconstruction of the injury mental disorders, for students of Institutes of Higher Education at Imola with the participation of journalists and experts on social communication.

by: associations ACAT-BO, AND PAS AND TEMP UNASAM ANPIS and Emilia Romagna, the Department of Mental Health AUSL AUSL Bologna and Imola. Made with VOLABO under the project "Words are seeds" - anno 2010 Saranno presenti Gigliola Poli dell’ASP Circondario Imolese, e l’Assessore Michele Filippini del Nuovo Circondario Imolese

Domenica 31 ottobre, ore 9 - Piazza Matteotti - Imola

CON-CORRERE Maratona/parata per la salute mentale. Artisti e cittadini, in un percorso animato dalla banda Tambù, porteranno per le strade del centro di Imola il messaggio che un mondo senza manicomi è possibile e che la salute mentale è un bene comune.

All’arrivo evento conclusivo e presentazione del progetto: il futuro della nuova Osservanza.

Partenza ore 10.00 piazza Matteotti - Arrivo ore 12.00 Parco dell’Osservanza.

A cura di tutte le Associazioni, Cooperative e Istituzioni organizzatrici di Oltre la Siepe.

Sarà presente Donatella Mungo, Assessore alle Pari Opportunità del Comune di Imola

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Templates For Blogger Strawberry Thames

appointments this week and over the fence and Cinemas

Giovedì 21 ottobre, ore 20.30 - La Palazzina - Via Quaini 14 - Imola

OLTRE… IL CINEMA Proiezione del film “Elling” di Petter Naess, commedia del 2001.

Al termine commenti liberi. Proiezione gratuita.

A cura di: Centro di Documentazione di Ippogrifo sulla Salute Mentale e di Epic'entro (Coopers Fuoric'entro, Furrow Imola) In collaboration with "house", Centre for Communication and Audiovisual Affairs - City of Imola - Youth Project.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miller Wooden Tripod Legs

Easy Volley Over the hedge

Monday, October 11, 10am - Gym Cavina - Via Boccaccio 1 - Imola

NEVER OUT OF THE GAMES 2nd Easy volleyball tournament with the participation of students of Institutes of Higher Education Imola, Emilia Romagna groups ANPIS UISP and Emilia Romagna.

Posted by: POL "And yet it moves", Emilia Romagna and ANPIS UISP Imola-Faenza. Marco will be Raccagni, Councillor of the City School Imola

Thursday, October 14, 20:30 - The house - Via Quaini 14 - Imola

ADDITION ... THE CINEMA Screening of the documentary "Radio Ugh" Raffaele Rago, Lisa Pazzaglia with the collaboration of users and Operators of the Mental Health Centres and the Local Health Unit of Cesena Forlì.Al term feedback free. FREE screening.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Making Camera Flash Diffuser

month November 2010 October 2010

Friday 01 Ottobre Ore 21

Festa di Riapertura!
Con i Liposolubili, Antonello Recanatini
e i RespiroSuono.

Domenica 03 Ottobre
Ore 19.
Primo incontro con gli allievi corsi di pittura e fumetto.

Mercoledì 06 Ottobre Ore 21

Prima lezione Pittura e Fumetti (1° gruppo)

Thursday, October 7 at 21 (group 2) and 22.30 (group OPTIONS)

Saturday, October 9 21:30
Touches of Gershwin and other stories
with Marco "okblues" Farella.

Sunday, October 10 Hours 21
Ciberpunk Presentation of the novel " Irregular "
Vincent Bosica. Presents Walter De Berandinis

Thursday, 14 hours 15
First lesson of the course "Animation of the book"
(read animated)
x info: ccchaikhana @

Friday 15 hours 21

Inauguration of photo exhibition
" lucirco"
Pietro Annicchiarico

Saturday 16 pm 17

Bellydancing lessons with Jolina .
Jugglers by Luca Pelusi

Sunday 17
21 hours: closure of the exhibition
Photo "Lucirco"
Italian Sinti Sinti
of Pietro Annicchiarico.
21:30 pm ME SEM ROM A documentary
of E. Coccia - D. Falconer - A. Cotton
With the participation of Directors.
Amnesty International and the online newspaper

23 hours Saturday 22
" delaWater "LIVE
an indie-rock that involves five Teramo active for twenty years in the Italian independent music.

Sunday 24 hours 21
Cineforum: Alejandro Jodorowsky
" Rat"
Wednesday 27 hours 21
Cineforum: Alejandro Jodoroswsky
" The Holy Mountain"

Sunday 31 HALLOWEEN!
NOTE: Any changes will be notified.

Test Wordpress Form Outside Of My Lan

This weekend at chaikhana ...

This Saturday, October 9 21:30
A magical evening with
of Marco "Okblues" in "Touches of Gershwin and other stories"

A journey through the melodies of the composers who have influenced modern music.

Sunday, October 10 at 21:
"Irregular" Vincent Bosica.
science fiction novel ciberpunk
Moderator Walter Berandinis.

The Novel:
Every day, every moment, the identity of any living being is digitally recorded and consolidated, creating an indelible trace information. Nothing and no one escapes the system and its electronic eyes. In a world corrupted by too much technology and eroded by pollution, population to collapse, centenarian men facing death in the flesh withered by time integrating with biomechanical prosthetics, to become hybrid beings, half human and half machine.

In this not too distant future and not so amazing, the only possibility of a new birth is called Reproductive permit, a directive which established the International rational dependence between life and death: a new born only in case of a new death.

But in this society in which nothing is left to chance, a heinous crime shakes its foundations: a man is found dead in his apartment, his eye torn from orbit artificial eye. Shaun Morrison, a detective from the complex personality, in constant contrast to their superiors, limits the investigation focused on trafficking
NDOS cybernetic implants collectors. But his investigations led him in front of someone who should not exist: an irregular. Irregular

is a fast-paced novel by cyberpunk dark shades, brutal and exciting, which will become a cornerstone of Italian science fiction that weaves the personal stories of many lives and trace the outlines of a future unfortunately likely.

Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Shave Your Vag


Mental health is a right for everyone, including you!

Sunday, October 10, at 19 - Theatre Lolli - Via Caterina Sforza 3 - Imola
CAGES - Theatrical Performance by ExtraVagantis Association.
CARLOS 282 - Theatrical Performance by the Theatre Company will present Taboo and TILT
Valter Galavotti, Department of Culture of the City of Imola


of ExtraVagantis
People do not are free. Even when I think I am there is always a cage that encloses. Small or large, need to live in the community (then become rules) or distortions imposed by someone with more power, subtle and imperceptible as the constraints, as models that are suggested to make it mandatory (accomplices for ourselves first, social animals who wish to recognize in others and have very little to stay out of the pack) ... People are locked up in some cage. And some cages are heavier than the others, those prejudices, those of cataloging / certifi ni. Some cages mark us, make us forever "different" in the sense of irreconcilable with the rest of the community. Some cages are imprisoning us not only against our will, but in the long, confusing, hazy. From some cages and we would still like forever away or re-run. From some cages (this "tells" the very short performance) you can quit. Alone or, perhaps better, in many. Change (in this case may be) history.

with Luca Vacirca, Tuccio Vacirca, Sabrina Bellini, Tommaso Mortari, Muzzi Cecilia, Cecilia Baroncini, Franco Martini, Paolo Ferri, Paolo Minghetti, Cesare Catarinicchia, Daniel Remondini, Elizabeth Servello, Davide Donati, Teresa Gagliostro, Ennio Sergio, Graziella Taroni, Deborah Deserri, Fabio Zauli, Baruzzi
Directed by Michael Henry Vagnini

Carlos 282; a name and number. Perhaps, as the title is a bit 'strange but it contains a story with many stories in again: what is the name of one of the many figures drawn da quello straordinario narratore che è Eduardo Galeano, 282 il numero di una porta. Una porta un po’ particolare perché deve restare aperta. Sempre. La storia costituisce solo un momento dello spettacolo ma è un po’ come se ne fosse la spina dorsale, il nucleo simbolico perché Carlos è un uomo che, anche nelle difficoltà, è capace di viaggiare e 282 un numero che ci ricorda come tutti noi possiamo diventare un semplice numero e in un batter d’occhi sparire in un mucchio, in un mucchio indistinto. Un po’ come i 240 viaggiatori di PATAS ARRIBA che sono andati in Argentina per sostenere la lotta antimanicomiale in atto in quel paese, Daniele, Franco, Paolo, Sergio e tanti altri, tutti con il loro nome e la their history, able to get as excited about the adventures of a world away but so close, because there too many names to be in my heart, around the world and holding it, the heart is always open, like port.

Free admission.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vintage Gucci Belt Buckle


Circle chaikhana Asst. Via de Amicis, 13. Roseto degli Abruzzi (Te)
Info: 393/0344170 e-mail:

animation course of the book
The course of the animation book proposed move by the recognition of the value of the baseline reading from the early years of the child and his profonda influenza sia dal lato relazionale (diventa più stretto il legame tra bambino e genitori), sia da quello cognitivo (accresce la capacità di ascolto e di attenzione, la creatività dei bambini).
Il corso si propone quale momento di formazione per gli adulti, che consenta loro di cogliere le potenzialità educative e relazionali legate all’animazione del libro e di acquisire competenze per potersi “sperimentare” piacevolmente nella lettura ai bambini.
Al contempo, vedrà gli adulti protagonisti in prima persona dell’esperienza del gioco della lettura, entrando nell’universo della parola alla ricerca di quell’istante that space of wonder and magic that only the playful approach to the book reveal knows: from themselves, from their own experience of player that you can involve the listener in the narrative.


Operators of early childhood services, socio-cultural, to a maximum of 15 participants.

Articulation activities
The course will be structured in a training module and a laboratory module.
In training module will address the following issues:
  • historical and social aspects of reading;
  • expressive reading and storytelling;
  • reading and mental and physical development of children;
  • potential edu-entertainment related books and expressive reading.
Il modulo laboratoriale , che permetterà di acquisire elementi per la realizzazione di un percorso di animazione della lettura.
Sarà prevista, infine, una fase di sperimentazione di attività di animazione del libro, con la guida e la supervisione di esperti del settore .

The course is divided into three training days, lasting 5 hours each.
14:29 October and 5 November.

Circle chaikhana. Via de Amicis, 13. Roseto degli Abruzzi (Te)

scientific supervision
AIST and Chair of communicational Relations - Faculty of Social Sciences, University D'Annunzio - Chieti.

A conclusione del percorso, verrà rilasciato attestazione di frequenza.

via Quarto dei Mille, 27 65122 Pescara, Italy – tel./fax 085.4429521 – e-mail:

Quota di partecipazione
Il corso verrà realizzato da operatrici qualified to collaborate with the Association to promote cultural movements of Pescara, which among other things, organizes the November 2009 "Fantastic - the E-Shop product" , animation workshops and development of the book creativity for children ages 3 to 11 years.

Fiorella Paone degree in philosophy and address the socio-psycho-pedagogical and social therapy clinic specializing in sociology, worked as a socio-cultural educational institutions, libraries, associations, therapeutic communities, creating and carrying out workshops to promote reading, communication, play, education and the digital language educational and therapeutic interventions for children with problems of physical disability and / or behavioral difficulties and social skills. He has also made training courses on the subjects of reading promotion and animation of the book in associations located throughout the country.

Barbara Magliani degree in letters, even during his university career he gained extensive experience in voluntary associations. In 1990 he founded the 'Boys ARCI Pescara, which will be president until 1995. During this period, will creator and execution of various projects of socio-cultural intervention aimed at children. In 1996 he became President of ARCI Chieti, working up to 2002 of the creation and coordination of programs for youth policies.
E 'founder, in addition, Eure, consulting and event planning. Since 2006, coordinates the project UNIBAM - University Children , in collaboration with Universities, Public Schools and the province of Pescara. From May 2009. coordinates and conducts the animation project of the book and developing creativity Fantastic, the E-Shop Dotto , aimed at children from 3 to 10 years.

Where Could I Watch All P90x Episodes

Oltra the hedge over the hedge program


October 10: World Health Day menale10 December: Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Sunday, October 10, at 19 - Lolli Theatre - Via Caterina Sforza 3 - Imola

Let A VOICE - Testimonials

CARLOS 282 - Theatrical

CAGES - Theatrical Performance

opening performance of "To Kill a Mockingbird."

Posted by: Taboo and TILT theater company, association ExtraVagantis. This will Valter Galavotti, Department of Culture of the City of Imola.

Monday, October 11, 10am - Gym Cavina - Via Boccaccio 1 - Imola

NEVER OUT OF THE GAMES 2nd Easy volleyball tournament with the participation of students of Institutes of Higher Education in Imola, Emilia Romagna groups ANPIS UISP and Emilia Romagna.

Posted by: POL "And yet it moves", Emilia Romagna and ANPIS UISP Imola-Faenza. Marco will be Raccagni, Councillor of the City of Imola school

Thursday, October 14, 20:30 - The house - Via Quaini 14 - Imola

ADDITION ... THE CINEMA Screening of the documentary "Radio Ugh" Raffaele Rago, Lisa Pazzaglia with the collaboration of users and Operators of the Mental Health Centres and the Local Health Unit of Cesena Forlì.Al term feedback free. FREE screening.

Thursday, October 21, 20:30 - The house - Via Quaini 14 - Imola

ADDITION ... THE CINEMA Screening of the film "Elling" of Petter Naess, comedy of 2001.

After free comments. FREE screening.

by: Hippogriff Documentation Center of Mental Health and Epic'entro (Coopers Fuoric'entro, Furrow Imola) In collaboration with "house", Centre for Communication and Audiovisual Affairs - City of Imola - Youth Project.

Tuesday, October 26, 9 am - Cinema / Theatre Cappuccini - Via Villa Clelia 12 - Imola

WORDS ARE SEEDS Path sensitization the role played by media in the construction and deconstruction of the injury on mental disorders, for students of institutes of higher education in Imola, with the participation of journalists and experts in social communication.

by: associations ACAT-BO, AND PAS AND TEMP UNASAM ANPIS and Emilia Romagna, the Department of Mental Health AUSL AUSL Bologna and Imola. Made with VOLABO under the project "Words are seeds" - the year 2010 will present the ASP Environment Gigliola Poli Imola, Michael Alderman of the Filippini New Environment Imolese

Sunday, October 31, 9 am - Piazza Gramsci - Imola

WITH RUN-Marathon / parade for mental health. artists and citizens, in a path from the animated band Tambu, carried through the streets of downtown Imola the message that a world without asylums is possible and that mental health is a common good.

final event of the arrival and presentation of the project: the future of new observations.

Piazza Matteotti 10.00 am - 12.00 am Arrival Park Observance.

By all associations, cooperatives and organizing institutions in over the hedge. Luciano will be Mazzini, Councillor for Sports of the City of Imola

October-December Theatre Lolli - Via Caterina Sforza 3 - Imola (Old Hospital - next to the CUP )

right! PUT YOURSELF IN NEUTRAL! Theatre workshop: students of Institutes of Higher Education in Imola with people who are sensitive to the issue of mental health and who have experienced or are experiencing a mental illness, weaving different stories, will create theatrical performances represented on buses.

by: Tilt Theatre Company in collaboration with the theater group el'ATC Taboo.


Thursday, November 18, 9 am - Theatre Observance - Via Ventura 14 - Imola

right! PUT YOURSELF IN NEUTRAL! Meeting awareness open to the public with the presence of students of institutes of higher education. Participants at the meeting: the students of the institute Alberghetti, winners of the "Lessons of the Constitution," organized by the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate of the Republic and the Ministry of Education, Alice Keller, author of the book Alphabet of the stomach and the heart: cross anorexia into life; the protagonists of the project Our school Muyeye, Africa, the players in the group Krila, Theatre of the Oppressed with a theatrical performance, theatrical actors incursions of Reason! Put in neutral!

By all associations, cooperatives and organizing institutions in addition to this Siepe.Sarà Daniele Manca, Mayor of Imola


Monday, December 6, 18 hours - Location to be determined - Imola

AS IS MENTAL HEALTH? Political-cultural debate : administrators, policy makers and practitioners discuss on the topic.

By all associations, cooperatives and organizing institutions in addition to this Siepe.Sarà Roberto Visani, Deputy Mayor of the City of Imola

Friday, December 10, at 20 - Gym Ravaglia - Kolbe Road 3 - Imola

NEVER OUT OF THE GAMES Sport Tournament for peace and interethnic dialogue

Posted by: POL amateur for social inclusion "And yet it moves", Emilia Romagna and coordination ANPIS UISP EmiliaRomagna and with the cooperation of migrant groups and the Committee prior to March 2010 - present ImolaSarà Ivan Vigna, Councillor multicultural integration policies of the City of Imola

Saturday 11 December, 17.00 - City Center - Imola

Krisis - 2nd movement - theatrical performance final workshop on the themes of crisis, fearful of the future event generator. Posted by: ExtraVagantis - Integrated New Theatre Association, in collaboration with the Theatre Company of the Crescent Moon

from January 2011

right! PUT YOURSELF IN NEUTRAL! Dramatic raids on buses . The workshop participants will present theatrical performances that take place on buses.

by: Tilt Theatre Company in collaboration with the theater group Taboo, the ATC and cartoonist Daniel Parrella.

Tuesday, March 8, at 18 - Piazza Matteotti - Imola

SHOCKING PINK Nontantoflash Mob. theatrical performance from a class action sudden and brief (Flash Mob) inspired by the women.

by: ExtraVagantis - New Integrated Theatre Association and the Crescent Moon Theater Company, in collaboration with Imola-Faenza UISP