Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sample Letter Invocation Prayter

Veneziacomix e la Scuola del Fumetto

Conferenza stampa - apertura del II°anno!

Appuntamento a giovedì 19 Febbraio alle ore 16.30, alla Sala Seminariale del Centro Culturale Candiani , per la presentazione del secondo anno di attività della nuova Scuola del Fumetto di Venezia. Un'occasione per conoscere la nuova realtà formativa fumettistica del veneziano e incontrare i suoi insegnanti, non mancate!


  • Director of the School of Comics in Venice, Fabrizio Capigatti: conference introduction and presentation of the second year of school, report of Comic Art Fest, held in Venice December 2008;
  • Greetings of the Authorities, Luana Zanella, Department of Culture of Venice Marco Polo System Administrator
  • geie, Pietrangelo Pettenò: hospitality offered at the School of Comics in Venice and to the activities of Cultural Veneziacomix within Forte Marghera;
  • Artistic Director School of Comics in Venice, Emanuele Tenderini: presentation and organization of courses, quality of schools and teachers' professionalism, presentation of new professors;
  • Questions, closed meeting.

Press and External Relations

Manager Dr. Frank Anzalone

Email: francesca.anzalone @ cell. 347 4686369

Netlife Ltd. Communication for School of Comics in Venice

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wendy Better Denise Milani

Studio XX: inaugurato studio di incisione gratuito a Roma

E ''s time to play them! !!!!!!! The Rome Municipality
XX has promoted and supported the construction of a multipurpose music studio to be made available to the public in Rome. Made in the district Banner, by way of the white chickens within a stable property 'of the City of Rome, Studio XX' was equipped with professional environments and technologies in order to give everyone the opportunity 'to experiment with music. The recording studio was proposed by the then leader of the DS James Wedding and financed with funds from the Region, Province and Municipality of Rome, then all of CSX. The hotel recently opened
will offer 'rehearsal rooms and recording as well as' courses of musical instrument. The public will be able to 'enjoy all the services at a reduced price and in particular time slots of the week's rehearsal will be' offered for free. To participate in the project as' a partner in the XX and manager of the hotel and city hall 'was chosen companies' sector, the Hi-Com Srl, will offer 'to young aspirants the opportunity to test themselves in order to increase their experience in music.
Personally, it is a hope and a challenge for anyone who engages in the discovery of their artistic and creative.

"That's what I have to say about music: listen, play them, love, riveritela and keep your mouth shut." A. Einstein.