Monday, October 19, 2009

Mario And Sonic Birthday Cake

III edition WITH RUN-

Domenica 25 ottobre 2009 ore 9,30
Imola Piazza Gramsci
III edizione - CON-CORRERE
3° Maratona per la Salute Mentale

Italia-Argentina: per un mondo senza manicomi.
Maratona aperta a tutti, non competitiva.
Ci muoviamo in un percorso attraverso le strade della città
e scopriamo che la salute mentale si costruisce assieme.

CON-CORRERE è un’occasione per sostenere le numerose iniziative argentine, sviluppatesi in seno alla società civile, orientate a restituire i diritti di cittadinanza alle persone che ancora vivono nei manicomi. L’intento è di evidenziare che l’azione di queste iniziative è vicina a
quella che, verso la fine degli anni 60, ha portato ad una progressiva chiusura dei manicomi in Italia, grazie alla legge 180, until we get to final closure in 1996.
CON-RUN is an event that reminds us how every citizen with their actions, their thinking is jointly responsible for the welfare of the community and how important it is to live in a community marked by collective behavior supportive, welcoming, respectful of differences .
CON-RUN is a sporting event that takes place through the streets of the city and places that create a symbolic joining of Mental Health. There are several factors that "running" to establish the welfare of the people for a job, a place to live, cultivate family relationships,
live in a rich social environment of occasions when mature relations calm, feeling part of a community that respects the environment because it respects the individual.

MENTAL HEALTH AND 'A common asset which they build together.

  • 9.30 am: meeting in Piazza Gramsci - Imola. Greeting
    Councillor for Sports Luciano Mazzini. Subscriptions
    the marathon.
    Performance: "Fear? We are not afraid! "
  • 10.00: departure.
    Along the route will be set up two places to eat. At the community
    "Albatros" e la Residenza “Via dei Colli”.
  • Ore 10.30: arrivo presso la comunità Cà del Vento al Parco Dell’Osservanza (percorso breve).
    Divertimento per grandi e piccini con la partecipazione di: Vip Clown Forlì, Il Ponte Azzurro, T.I.L.T., Dog and Fun (esibizione d’agility dog), Magic Imola asd, Gip - Api asd e Pedalando per Sao Bernardo.
  • Ore 12.30: arrivo presso la comunità Cà del Vento al Parco Dell’Osservanza (percorso lungo)
  • Ore 13.00: premiazione dei gruppi.
  • Ore 13.30: ricco buffet offerto dall’organizzazione a tutti i Partecipanti alla Maratona.
liaison: Live audio-video with La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina) to greet the start of the second leg of the marathon trans-continental Italy and Argentina.
spoke of citizens, representatives of associations and authorities.

Canadian Kate Playground Wiki

Presentation video Patasarriba 2008

Presentation video Patasarriba 2008
A journey against the stigma and prejudice for a world without asylums

Thursday 22 October 2009 16:30
Palazzo Monsignani Sassatelli
Mariele Ventre Room - Via Emilia, 69 - Imola (BO)

Roberto Visani
Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Health and Social Quality Imola
Angelo Fioritti
Service Manager Mental Health
addiction and Health in Prisons of the Emilia Romagna
John De Plato
University of Bologna
Benedetta Prugnoli
Director of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Drug 'Local Health Unit of Imola
Andrea Panizzi
President Coordination ANPIS Emilia Romagna

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Transmission For 1990 Volvo

Snacks community

14-21-28 October at three residential


Three afternoons (15.30) dedicated to the preparation of a snack:

- Albatros : Wednesday, October 14, Via Giovanni XXIII, 2 - Imola

- Samarkand : Wednesday, October 21, Via San Vitale Ovest - Fossatone of Medicine

- Apartment Via Sangiorgi Groups: Wednesday, October 28, Via Sangiorgi 4 - Imola

In this occasion will be served tea with assorted pastries and hot drinks.

By the Cooperative and the Cooperative Seacoop Agave Imola.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Free Russianbare Gallery

Free Theatre Workshop for the preparation of
raids represent buses

to begin on Monday, October 12
free drama workshop led by Massimiliano Buldrini and Carmine Cataldi
Cultural Association TILT
to create theatrical performances to be represented on buses from 2010

When: every Monday from 17.00 to 19.00 (times may vary)

Where: Theatre Lolli - Via Caterina Sforza 3 - Imola (BO)

Info: 340/5790974 -

Monday, October 5, 2009

Poem For My Sister's Pregnancy

October 14, 2009 Bologna

Wednesday, October 14, at 15.30 to 19.00
Sala Silentium Lane Bolognetti 2 San Vitale - Bologna
"ITEMS NOT LISTENING." Introduced by Nedda
Alberghini Po, Chairman of "The Case of the Angels of Daniel" Onlus.
Screening of the documentary "Puetia Mashin" George Piracci.
Speakers: Carla Corradi Musi (Professor, Dept. of Languages \u200b\u200band LM - University of Bologna), Giorgio Piracci , Naturalista. Testimonianze fotografiche del lavoro di Aldo Lo Curto, medico volontario itinerante tra gli indigeni del mondo . In collab. con Lab. Perm. Studi Sciamanesimo Unibo ;
Fuorivista Cinema e San Vitale.